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Business Storytelling eBook: Tell Impactful Stories That Inspire Audiences To Action
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Winston Churchill Had Stage Fright?

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Table of Contents

It might be one of the most fascinating, universal threads that tie us all together and assures us of our humanity – glossophobia.

That’s just the fancy-schmancy scientific name for the “fear of public speaking”, especially when it comes to delivering great presentations.

In fact, studies show that 73% of the population are all afraid of the same thing – each other. And funny enough, Winston Churchill, one of the greatest speakers of all time, experienced it too!

Public speaking gurus like Churchill weren’t natural born speakers. To be honest, that’s technically not even a thing.

Even if an individual is comfortable speaking in front of others, it does not negate the need to be equipped with preparation skills and techniques.

Here’s a quick presentation tip: becoming a great orator like Churchill takes intentionality and, you got it, practice.

In fact, when Churchill was first elected as a representative within the British government, he froze for three entire minutes.


After that failed attempt at public speaking, Churchill vowed to become a refined presenter and spent years practicing his technique, meticulously outlining his speeches and being deliberate about his diction.

It wasn’t until hundreds of speeches later when Churchill became Prime Minister in arguably the darkest time in modern day history, that he went back on that platform in the House of Commons and earned his title as one of the greatest public speakers of all time.

  • Well, we think if Winston Churchill had to practice for all those years to become the greatest, then why not you?
  • What’s preventing you from being a dynamic orator?

All it takes is time, preparation, and intentionality. A great coach is a huge plus in the journey and here at Moxie Institute, we have a dedicated staff that wants to help you achieve your Churchill-sized public speaking goals.

See, the secret to successful public speaking is pursuing presentations skills training and consistently practicing the techniques and tools you learn.

Practice, practice, PRACTICE. That’s the name of the “presenting-like-a-boss” game.

Our public speaking coaching services at Moxie can help you develop techniques that will manage your public speaking anxiety, facilitate audience engagement, storytelling and master your body language.

We created a nifty guide filled with tons of presentation tips that will get you started on the path of delivering fearless presentations.

Check out our Ultimate Guide to Improve Your Presentation Skills and gain reliable insight and pointers to help you prepare for your next presentation!

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Speak with MOXIE eBook: Your Guide to Powerful Presentations and Performances

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Speak with MOXIE eBook: Your Guide to Powerful Presentations and Performances
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Guaranteed to motivate, inspire, and persuade.
Take the first step to communication breakthroughs.
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