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The MOXIE Method of Effective Public Speaking – “Enjoy the Experience”

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Hi, I’m Fia Fasbinder welcome to the Moxie Minute.

Today we’re talking about the “E” of the Moxie Method which stands for “Enjoy the Experience”.

How do we overcome our body’s own natural sense of fight or flight how do we override those nerves and channel that nervous energy into usable energy?

We do this by learning to enjoy the experience.

There are two main tips.

The first is to breathe. Remember the “O” for Oxygenate.

When we breathe from our diaphragm we fill our bodies with oxygen. This lowers our heart rate and brings a sense of calm and centeredness to us.

The other tip is to rehearse. When we rehearse we feel confident in our talk and we can relax and enjoy the experience.

Dale Carnegie’s used to say, “talk to them like they owe you money.”

This tip always helps me shine in front of an audience and I hope it helps you too.

So, for your next talk remember to enjoy the experience.

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Speak with MOXIE eBook: Your Guide to Powerful Presentations and Performances

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Speak with MOXIE eBook: Your Guide to Powerful Presentations and Performances
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