Moxie Institute

Business Storytelling eBook: Tell Impactful Stories That Inspire Audiences To Action
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Lockheed Martin – Internal Conference and Event 

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A great number of exceptional minds are working at Lockheed Martin, a global aerospace and defense technology company. While these people are at the top of their game in their respective STEM areas of expertise, managing leaders found that they were unable to effectively present ideas in an engaging way to large groups. Lockheed approached Moxie to help management write, design, and deliver TED-like talks for a company wide conference. The conference theme, Transformational Leadership, highlighted senior employees who had spearheaded company wide initiatives that shaped the company and culture at Lockheed.

The speakers were intimidated and thoroughly terrified to deliver a presentation of this magnitude to an audience of their peers and superiors including General Thurgood (the Army’s first hypersonics director).


Moxie Institute created a customized multi-phase program to ensure Lockheed’s teams and speakers were show ready. Phases of this project included design and discovery, content creation, presentation skills, and rehearsal/onsite coaching and directing. Teleclasses, one-on-one and team coaching, rehearsals, and in-person speaker directing were all key components from the Moxie methodology.

An important goal of this program was to ensure that Lockheed employees learned a proven method, framework, and process that could be adopted company-wide.


After completing the Moxie Institute coaching and training, Lockheed teams are now able to craft their own TED-like talks and communicate a vision to key internal and external decision makers. Moxie’s team of writers, designers, coaches, and trainers successfully designed, developed, and produced an amazing event. Testimonials from participants and attendees speak volumes to the success of the program. Lockheed immediately requested to replicate this event with Moxie in years to come.

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Speak with MOXIE eBook: Your Guide to Powerful Presentations and Performances

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Speak with MOXIE eBook: Your Guide to Powerful Presentations and Performances
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Guaranteed to motivate, inspire, and persuade.
Take the first step to communication breakthroughs.
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