Moxie Institute

Business Storytelling eBook: Tell Impactful Stories That Inspire Audiences To Action
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TEDx – Head coaching team for San Diego TedX Talks

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Lex Gillette was introduced to Moxie Institute seeking writing, design, coaching, and training for a TedX Talk that he was going to deliver in San Diego, CA.

Lex is a five-time Paralympic gold-medalist, Lex also happens to be blind. Being able to long jump while blind was of no concern to Lex, but presenting to an audience in a format that he was unfamiliar with was a more frightening prospect to him than flying through the air for 26 feet at a time with no idea of where he would land.


Lex didn’t have stage fright, he’d grown up performing and singing on stage and experienced massive crowds around the globe during his competitions.

What was a major concern for Lex was how to tap into his unique story. He needed help finding his message and crystalizing it in a way that the audience could feel and understand.

Moxie Institute helped Lex to craft a speech that took the audience on a tour of his life. They were there with him for his struggles, his triumphs, and ultimately his gold medal wins.


Moxie coaches urged Lex to incorporate his diverse skills into his speech and with a closing rendition of The Beatles’ “Blackbird”, he brought the audience to their feet. If there was a dry eye in the house, it was hard to find. 

After delivering his famous TedX Talk, Lex immediately began receiving offers to be a keynote speaker at conferences around the world. Moxie designed his speaker packet that led to countless 5-figure speaking engagements. Today Lex travels around the globe sharing his story with audiences that are left in awe of how resilient the human spirit can be. His messages including goal achievement, visions of what is possible, and overcoming obstacles continues to ripple throughout the sports and business community.

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Speak with MOXIE eBook: Your Guide to Powerful Presentations and Performances

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Speak with MOXIE eBook: Your Guide to Powerful Presentations and Performances
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