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The MOXIE Method of Effective Public Speaking – “It Factor”

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Hi, I’m Fia Fasbinder. Welcome to the Moxie Minute.

Today we’re talking about the “I” of the Moxie Method. The “I” of the Moxie method stands for It Factor.

And what is “it factor?”

In my opinion, “it factor“, is confidence.

And how do we get that confidence?

We get that confidence from rehearsing.

When we know our talk, we know the flow and the order of our talk we have confidence in ourselves. And the best thing about rehearsing is that when we, rehearse, we are not giving our talk for the first time in front of an audience. By delivering the speech for the fifth or sixth time, you’ve already made your mistakes, safely away from the audience.

I am here to tell you that winging it never works. What works is the consistent rehearsal.

The general rule of thumb for rehearsal is 5 to 6 rehearsals, that’s enough to know the order and the flow and your topic sentences but not to memorize word for word.

Mark Twain had a great quote he said “It takes me three weeks to write a good impromptu speech.”

It’s the same for us. If we want to give a killer keynote we need to rehearse.

For your next talk, remember that “I” is for “It Factor.”


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